
Thursday, 21 October 2010

Audience research survey

Today I produced, with help from Jamie, an audience research survey. The aim of this survey is to gather information about what the audience opinions and preferences are when it comes to films. We may also be continuing the audience research soon by getting feedback on music for our chase scene.

Below is our survey:

Brief synopsis of our thriller plot & research

Today Jamie wrote up our thriller movie synopsis (below), our equipment list for filming the opening. 

The thriller opens with our victim (Chloe) being hunted down and killed by our killer (Dylan). Dylan however doesn't realize that he is a brutal killer by night and in the day he goes about his daily business as a college student without noticing the clues that go on around him revealing his nasty split personality.

After the killing, Dylan gets up and goes to college but starts seeing ghosts and he can't quite recall what it is he does at night, but he knows it's something, and he begins investigating his grim past as all the time the body count rises, and eventually the police come knocking and thus ensues a desperate race for Dylan to escape, not fully knowing what he's done , and then he has many decisions to make....

We also did some research on chase scenes with similar themes to our chase scene. These included a forest chase scene and a forest chase scene from the film 'Dog Soldiers'


Catrin Hamer - Plays 'Chloe', a sweet, innocent, 16 year old college student. She's pleasantly mannered, amiable and radiant in personality. She has lived a lovely life with her loving family and has big ambitions for her life. She is very intelligent and a hard worker at college. Her pink hair represents her individuality.

We chose to cast Catrin in the role because of her innocent, sweet appearance, her pink hair and her small build makes her appear vulnerable.

Daniel Jones - Plays 'Dylan', is a seemingly normal college student. He's charismatic, popular, friendly and generally outgoing. He keeps his nightmares hidden from others and does not talk about them, even to his closest peers. He grew up surrounded by violence, his father beating his mother, but suppresses these memories. Dylan is unaware that these nightmares are real.

We chose to cast Daniel in this role because he appears normal however has potentially 'bad guy' traits like his black hair. He also has experience in acting. Daniel also fits the masks size.

Daniel also did a post on character casting.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Body of lies case study


Choosing the music is quite difficult as it has to be perfect to create the desired effect. In lessons I have been searching for this desired track or tracks on which is a website full of copyright free music. After consideration I came to the conclusion that the tracks on "Dark Dimensions Vol 7" would best suit the opening chase scene at some points. However choosing the music will be easier once we film the opening chase scene.

mask update

the mask for our production has arrived and I have been given the job of painting it. we decided to incorporate some of the designs from other masks in the previous post > Here is the finished result, however it may look better if more cracks are added.

Saturday, 9 October 2010


Our thriller opening planning has begun! Our story is coming along nicely and things are starting to tie together. The mask for our villain has been purchased and we are currently awaiting delivery, check out for our mask research.


I think a maize field would be a good location because the dense plants would add a sense of claustrophobia. The victim may also have to battle through the plants which exaggerates the distress and panic of being chased in the first place. This specific area is good because the maize is less dense in some areas and therefore will make it easier to film.  

Alternatively we could use a wood or a forest as a location for our chase sequence. The trees in the forest represent bars, the ground is littered with dead branches which could symbolise death in general and the ground is clear and open in places. The clear ground is important because we don't want our actors tripping over brambles as they run through.  

In the same area there is another section of trees. The trees here are large and twisted. The twisted shape of the trees gives the scenery a creepy appearance. However the ground here is not as bare as the forest above and therefore we might have to prepare in advance and trim the brambles. There is one tree in particular that is quite low, wide and easy to climb. We could possibly utilise this to get some high angle shots to ensure the victim looks extra vulnerable.

More importantly is the fact that all of these locations are situated in the same area:
1) forest which has trees that represent bars
2) pond - this could be used in a shot as water is commonly used in thriller films. The other blue section is a ditch that has a pipe trickling water into it.
3) forest with large twisted trees
4) field in which separates this area from the road. Approximately 100m to the road means its easily accessible.
5) stretch of maize.


Sunday, 3 October 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Using the digital camera's are a whole new experience to me and I have enjoyed every moment using them. I have learnt how to operate the camera's features effectively and how to use the equipment safely. I have also learned a more in depth knowledge of camera angles, shots and movement. Before I started media I already had an understanding of basic camera shots: close-up, medium shot, long shot. However since beginning the course I believe I have enhanced my understanding of angles, shots, movement and the effects they create. For example a 'low angle shot' gives the character an intimidating and powerful appearance.

I am also completely new to editing and have quickly learned how important it is in making a successful production. The sound effects need to be well suited to the action to make the right effect and give across the right message. I have also learnt the importance of sequencing shots and keeping the action on screen active and interesting to watch. This can be achieved by using a variety of camera shots and angles edited together effectively.

Analysing thriller openings

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Preliminary task.

This week we finished our preliminary task. Producing the short film was extremely fun, especially the filming and adding sound to the production. Although it is not perfect it is still rewarding to see the finished product up and running. Difficulties we came across were:
  • Filming on different days - this produced slight problems with the continuity in our filming.
  • Using iMovie for the first time - as none of our group had used imovie before editing and adjusting the video clips was slow at first.
Apart from this I believe our preliminary task ran pretty smoothly and was very enjoyable. We are all eager to begin our thriller openings.

Here is the finished video: