
Thursday, 21 October 2010

Brief synopsis of our thriller plot & research

Today Jamie wrote up our thriller movie synopsis (below), our equipment list for filming the opening. 

The thriller opens with our victim (Chloe) being hunted down and killed by our killer (Dylan). Dylan however doesn't realize that he is a brutal killer by night and in the day he goes about his daily business as a college student without noticing the clues that go on around him revealing his nasty split personality.

After the killing, Dylan gets up and goes to college but starts seeing ghosts and he can't quite recall what it is he does at night, but he knows it's something, and he begins investigating his grim past as all the time the body count rises, and eventually the police come knocking and thus ensues a desperate race for Dylan to escape, not fully knowing what he's done , and then he has many decisions to make....

We also did some research on chase scenes with similar themes to our chase scene. These included a forest chase scene and a forest chase scene from the film 'Dog Soldiers'


  1. Good synopsis. Consider thriller conventions more carefully and reference any influences.

  2. Add your own analysis of those two similar themed pieces by commenting on Jamie's posts. Make sure it is detailed.

  3. Forest chase scene: The forest chase scene is a good example of what our thriller opening could be like. The effects used are very similar and create an creepy, spooky look to the film. Unlike ours however we are hoping to have a better soundtrack. In my opinion the sound in the chase scene does not suit very well due to the lack of pace the song has. Although the song is very creepy, it doesn't seem to fit the events in the film. This piece has mostly influenced our camera work and effects but has also shown us what not to do, e.g the unsuited music and the blatantly fake blood. It has also given us some good ideas about new camera shots, for example the blood splatted on the leaf at 2:11.

    The forest scene in dog soldiers is good at creating a sense of claustrophobic, helplessness and imminent doom. It does this by filming in a close cramped environment where visible is poor, creating a sense of fear of the unknown. Brief glimpses of the killer also enhances the sense of helplessness and fear. The forest trees represent bars which is a common thriller convention and increase the sense of isolation and the feeling of being trapped. It also could be interpreted as a cage keeping something trapped inside (the werewolves or humans). The POV shots from the werewolf are effective creating a sense of superiority. This is done by the camera being high and at a distance from the humans. This has the effect of making the humans looking small, inferior, insignificant and overall very very helpless. By changing the effects on the POV shots the viewer can clearly distinguish between friend and foe and does not get confused as to who's eyes we're looking through. This piece has influenced our piece in mainly the camera shots and speed of the chase. This makes it more exciting, thrilling and interesting to watch.
