
Sunday, 3 October 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Using the digital camera's are a whole new experience to me and I have enjoyed every moment using them. I have learnt how to operate the camera's features effectively and how to use the equipment safely. I have also learned a more in depth knowledge of camera angles, shots and movement. Before I started media I already had an understanding of basic camera shots: close-up, medium shot, long shot. However since beginning the course I believe I have enhanced my understanding of angles, shots, movement and the effects they create. For example a 'low angle shot' gives the character an intimidating and powerful appearance.

I am also completely new to editing and have quickly learned how important it is in making a successful production. The sound effects need to be well suited to the action to make the right effect and give across the right message. I have also learnt the importance of sequencing shots and keeping the action on screen active and interesting to watch. This can be achieved by using a variety of camera shots and angles edited together effectively.

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