Our thriller opening planning has begun! Our story is coming along nicely and things are starting to tie together. The mask for our villain has been purchased and we are currently awaiting delivery, check out http://danieljmedia.blogspot.com/2010/10/thriller-trailer-update-masks.html for our mask research.
I think a maize field would be a good location because the dense plants would add a sense of claustrophobia. The victim may also have to battle through the plants which exaggerates the distress and panic of being chased in the first place. This specific area is good because the maize is less dense in some areas and therefore will make it easier to film.
Alternatively we could use a wood or a forest as a location for our chase sequence. The trees in the forest represent bars, the ground is littered with dead branches which could symbolise death in general and the ground is clear and open in places. The clear ground is important because we don't want our actors tripping over brambles as they run through.
In the same area there is another section of trees. The trees here are large and twisted. The twisted shape of the trees gives the scenery a creepy appearance. However the ground here is not as bare as the forest above and therefore we might have to prepare in advance and trim the brambles. There is one tree in particular that is quite low, wide and easy to climb. We could possibly utilise this to get some high angle shots to ensure the victim looks extra vulnerable.
More importantly is the fact that all of these locations are situated in the same area:
1) forest which has trees that represent bars
2) pond - this could be used in a shot as water is commonly used in thriller films. The other blue section is a ditch that has a pipe trickling water into it.
3) forest with large twisted trees
4) field in which separates this area from the road. Approximately 100m to the road means its easily accessible.
5) stretch of maize.
G321 Audience research
G321 Preliminary task
G321 Thriller construction
G321 Thriller evaluation
G321 Thriller planning
G321 Thriller research
G322A TV drama
G322B Film industry
Induction unit
Excellent considerations of location. you are beginning to link to conventions well. It would be beneficial to mention existing thrillers which utilise similar locations - perhaps grab some stills from them or even embed some video clips.